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litter box poop issues

  1. Aden

    Newbie - help me understand my cats IBD

    Hello Sphynx Lair-- In March I adopted a 5-year-old male Sphynx, Nuru, that had been kept by neglectful owners. Since receiving him, I have had several problems with litter box training, "poop tail," and chronic diarrhea. Upon adopting him, I learned that Nuru had Irritable Bowel Disease. I...
  2. JessyJane

    Soooo much poop!

    Good morning everyone! So a little background before I get into the dirty stuff.. I have a 2 year old male [dobby] and a 13 week old female [laveau]. I am gone from 6am to 6pm Monday through Friday and I clean the kitty box before and after work and after they use the bathroom while I am home...
  3. HappyLilSphynx

    Litter box issues/solutions

    Earlier today I learned of a sphynx in need of a home largely due to some litter box issues. I've said that I may be willing to try to work with him (he is going to be evaluated by a vet before I can make any decisions about moving forward!) Here's what I know ... He is estimated to be 7 years...
  4. kelsheyyx

    more poop problems

    I think I mentioned this in my previous posts, but I'm going to bring it up again and see if you guys have any experience, insight, or advice for me on this. Ophelia has a tendency to step in her poop - a lot. Not all the time, but about once a week (at least) she poops and steps in it in the...
  5. zombiequeen13

    Poop issues! Please help!

    These cats are going to be the death of me! Ugh. There has been three times ever, which have all been recently, where one of them has pooped outside the litter box (each time on the carpet). Each time it is when we are out of the house for a few hours (3-5 hours), never at night where they are...