Welcome to Sphynxlair! Connect with Sphynx owners & enthusiasts around the world!

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  1. J

    FIP Fear about getting new kitten

    Hi everyone! I have a 6 year old Sphynx boy. I recently had the opportunity to adopt a 14 week old Devon Rex kitten (the owner is moving to Canada). I have not gotten the kitten yet, and now I’m having second thoughts. I know the chance is less than 10% but I’m terrified that introducing a new...
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    New litter 1 of 3
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    New litter 1 of 3
  4. Tinynudists2

    Nudel & Tofu

    Hello all you wonderful humans ♥️ I just wanted to do a quick drop by and introduce my self and my nude children. My name is Seleena, my self, my fiancé and kitty family live in the Bay Area - CA And are so excited to be a part of the Sphynx community.. Let’s cut to the real reason y’all...
  5. AnnaMoo

    Fighting Felines

    Hi everyone! I desperately need some advice on my two babies. We have had little Spock since he was 14 weeks old and he is now 7 years old and has always been an only child. 3 weeks ago we adopted Puna, a 7 year old girl. At first Spock was very unsure of her and would hiss and swat her. Then...
  6. Lperrx


    Hello everyone! I’m Lois and I adopted the most loving kittens ever. One is a naked 3 month old baby called Pharaoh and the other is Selene a 9 week old short hair.
  7. Jotunnhime

    Help how to introduce my sphynx to the new cat!

    Hiii, my names Hessah and my sphynx is named Zuko. He turned 1 year old last Saturday on the 13th, I got him when he was 3 months old and ever since then it's been just him and me. My sister who lives in the same house as me recently adopted a cat, they have not seen each other but we swapped...
  8. Nic

    New hairless mom here :)

    Hey all! New hairless cat mom here! But I also have a Chinese crested dog and a German Shepherd lol! Our hairless Stella was born May 11th of this year and we got her September 11th. We just found out Tuesday that she has Giardia. And she passed it to our German Shepherd So it’s been a rough...
  9. A

    New sphynx

    Hello all ! I’ve recently adopted a female Dwelf I drove 14 hours to go get her and realized she was sick during the car ride home . Turns out she has conjunctivitis and feline herpes :( I paid 2500 for her and the breeder was pressing me to give her 500 more for breeding rights (even went as...
  10. A

    It ACTUALLY happened!!

    I am excited to share with all of you that I am officially a Sphynx Mama! I seriously can't believe it really happened. After months of searching, with no luck, I came across this website by chance. Two weeks of perusing and only two days after posting someone actually reached out! A very sweet...
  11. Connor

    Older cat not adapting to new kitten! HELP!

    Hi, I brought a kitten around 3 weeks ago due to my commitments to work increasing so I thought it would be best to get my current sphynx a friend due to them being social animals. This has not been the case at all, I have been trying to introduce the older cat to the kitten bit by bit but...
  12. gollumthesphynx

    Getting another baby!... Maybe!

    Hi everyone! Hope all's been well. Finally, I am looking into getting another kitten. Does anyone have any tips on how to integrate them into my home with Gollum? Gollum is pretty open and non-territorial. He's also up-to-date with all his vaccinations :)
  13. LuckyNo21

    Our new baby finally came home last night!

    I fell in love immediately! She is 13 weeks and just the sweetest little girl ever, already loving and rubbing all over us. We are still deciding between 2 names, but here she is!
  14. AmarasDaddy

    New Sphynx Daddy! Diets, Poos, Biting

    Hey All! Hope you’re all keeping safe! I’ve had my Amara for about 4 weeks now, she’s 12 weeks. I know taking them at 8 weeks isn’t good :( but I didn’t know until after. She’s settled really well. I have some basic questions. Best diet? Right now Amara is on Royal Canine wet & dry food. And...
  15. kibaspirit

    Lyra is here! But Oogi hates her

    We were able to go pick up Lyra yesterday and bring her home, but the introduction with Oogi went terribly. He swats at her, growls & hisses a lot and also chases her to deliberately swat. We didn't want to make her scared of him & feel unwelcome in her new house - so we blocked off the...
  16. J

    advice for kitten?

    Looking for advice for my kitten Pablo, if any one could recommend what they use for bathing, moisturising, Ear cleaning, or any daily care routines? I’d be grateful :) I’m new to this so just trying to make sure I have all the essentials thank you!
  17. kibaspirit

    Adding another sphynx?

    Hello Lairians, We have had Oogi for about 6 months now and it has been the best thing ever. He is such an amazing cat. We would love to bring another baby home (we have put down a deposit to be back on the list for #2), but we are so worried that Oogi wouldn't take to a buddy. He is super...
  18. P

    Gotcha Day is finally here!

    Can't believe he's finally home!! We're absolutely smitten!! This really is a dream come true and it's more amazing than I ever thought it would be! It's only day 1 but I'm sooooo looking forward to the many many days we get to have with him!! <3 (sorry if I've added too many pics. It was hard...
  19. Axhlxxgh

    A name?!

    I think I may have come up with a name for my fuzzy tailed baby! I pick him up in 3 hours!!!! I'm so excited!!!! I was thinking he looks like a Theodore !? Theo for short??? What do you think??
  20. 3mmy1115

    I just received my first sphynx!

    Hello I just got my first male sphynx yesterday! He's a year and half and not fixed yet. He's very sweet and doesn't hiss my other cats are still slightly unsure but trying to get used to him. He's been home for almost a whole day and still hasn't eaten yet. He's still really scared. I was able...
  21. Kathie

    Hello from Toronto! I'm new!

    Hi all, After lurking here for sometime I finally joined the Lair, and I just became the proud new mama to my 5 month old boy! He was well cared for, but the family's five year old son developed and allergy to him so they had to re-home. We connected and I bought and brought him home Saturday...
  22. Ddungo


    Hey everyone! Today was Simon’s Gotcha Day. I figured I would reintroduce ourselves since we officially have him! After 4 months of waiting and a 4 hour drive, he is now in his forever home! He was so cuddly and napped on my lap the whole ride home. My boyfriend and I are so excited for this...
  23. annaesmee

    What to do over Christmas?

    Morning! My husband and I are picking up our *first* Sphynx kitten at the beginning of December. She'll be 13 weeks when we get her. I've been reading up on here and in a couple of books about what to expect and prepare for, but haven't come across what to do when going away for a couple of...
  24. KruegerandSimba

    Is it normal for an adult sphynx to have black teeth?!

    Hello everyone! I have just rehomed a lovely sphynx boy called Simba... he's my Krueger''s brother from a previous litter... but his canines are black! Is this normal?? Its not plaque. He's eating fine. And the teeth seem OK apart from the colour... apparently he was fed on only biscuits... but...
  25. Shontae

    My furless baby!

    Hey everyone! I never shared any news or pictures of my baby Pavlov (ha ha!) when I got him in November. Since I've got him it's been heaven. I feel like I got my first baby! Of course there are days where he drives me insane but he is so worth it. I'll tell you a little about him: he's a...