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runny poo

  1. Microkitty

    Help with 6-7 month old kitten food

    Hello, I have had this sweet baby for 1.5 months now, but I've had consistent issues with her poos! The breeder said she fed Purina ProPlan Sensitive and "any wet cat food," and I tried to confirm if this is what she fed her kitten but I don't know if she understood me the best, so I let it go...
  2. joaopedroferro

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Help

    Hi guys! My first post here! I have Romeo for about 8 months and since I got him we've noticed a runny poo and diarrhea (and a lot of farts lol). No blood. We thought it was from the antibiotics from the castration or from his food changes, since the previous owner said his poo was normal...
  3. Clarks Mama

    Cryptosporidium help!!!

    After months of thinking our baby has ibs and a sensitive stomach to pretty much every protein on the market.....we just new it was something else......so.....we took him in to have a different test done other than just a fecal sample. He came back positive for this cryptosporidium parasite...
  4. zoinks

    Firm up! Pumpkin

    I have recently had some runny poop issues with Alfie even though he is on raw. We think he got into something, but it gave us a chance to try out a new product we bought a while ago from a local health pet shop.... It's called 'Firm up! Pumpkin' and is targeted at dogs but says on the pack it...
  5. skunkfoot

    My days revolve around poop!

    Hi, new here! Just got my first hairless baby last monday and everything has been going great except for the last few days. I noticed he had runny poop all over him after he went to the bathroom. His poops stink really bad and he farts constantly throughout the day lol. He probably poops about 4...
  6. admin

    Sphynx cat with Diarrhea (Giardia)

    What is Giardia you ask? If your Sphynx has these symptoms, chronic diarrhea, horrible smelly poop, soft stools, bloody diarrhea, and sometimes even vomiting it's quite possible they have Giardia. The parasite lives in the intestinal tract and causes damage to the intestines. Giardia is...