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medical concern

  1. Socky

    Help! White cluster bumps on my cat?

    Im sort of freaking out for my cat!! He’s a rescue and we’re trying our best as we’ve never owned a sphinx but lots of experience with cats. It’s on both of his front legs. Right is bigger than left. I’m fearful for ringworm or soemthing that could be transmitted to humans but it doesn’t look...
  2. Marcelines Mom

    Hind leg movements…

    We adopted Marceline last June, she will be two in July, she’s an extremely active kitty and full of playful and adventurous spirit. When she walks slowly her back legs/back sometimes do what the video shows. The video is an example of the most extreme movement, it’s usually much more subtle and...
  3. gicantu

    Cat Asthma

    Hey everyone, I've been looking around for specific information regarding the actual prices and procedures of diagnosing my cat with asthma but I've come up with no luck, so maybe y'all can help me. A little background on my cat: I found her as a stray in 2016. I took her in and for the most...
  4. AmarasDaddy

    Sphynx kitten blackheads on tail?

    Hi friends! So, when I picked Amara up she had these marks on her tail. I just assumed it was her skin pattern. She’s traditionally all white With 3 diluted patches. So I just assumed it was her tail patterning. Now I’m starting to think it could be blackheads? I tried to pop one, I think one...
  5. Clawed Monet

    HELP last effort to find a cure **TRIGGER WARNING**

    I have a beautiful 7 year old Peter Bald Russian Shynx who is going through a medical nightmare. We have been to the vet 5 times in 10 days and two separate vets are unclear how to treat her or what she has. Symptoms : •Large crusty sores all over he body and face •Scabs become pustules and...
  6. Kristielllen

    Skin issues

    My cat,Igor, has had this weird rash along his spine since the day we picked him up. It started off as a small spot with red around it, and has gradually gotten worse. The vet has absolutely no idea what’s wrong, but I don’t think she is very familiar with sphynx cats to begin with. Has anybody...