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  1. byulbunny

    Quick help, worried about teeth

    Hi guys, Sorry to post urgently but I'm concerned about Loki. After chomping on some dry food he started making what I can only describe as a little crunching noise in his mouth. I wondered if he had managed to get a bit of dry food stuck - can't see anything. Judging by his biting habits...
  2. Kitty Chaos

    Teething problems

    Hi. My little kitten Arya is 6 months old now and I noticed that I hadn't found any babyteeth lying around or stuck in her toys yet so I checked her teeth and the adult teeth have come in but the baby teeth are still there! Is this any risk to her health? Should I take her to the vets to have...
  3. Sammicarkeys

    Teething or just playing rough?

    I’ve been getting abused by my little man lately! He is constantly in a rambunctious mood and he always wants to bite... as hard as he can on the most sensitive spots you have. He’s drawn blood on me a few times. However, he’s never bit me or hissed at me because he was upset or scared. No...
  4. SupplyPipe28

    Found a Baby Tooth!

    Hello everyone! So, we found one of Severin's baby teeth on new year's day (he's 5.5 months right now). From what we can tell through Google searches, it looks like a lower pre-molar? We could be wrong (I can post a photo later for confirmation as we're curious to know), but I'm wondering if...
  5. Spight

    STain under nose advise pretty please...

    So we've had Voldemort 1.5 months now. He's 5 months old. When we got him he had very weepy eyes and was sneezing constantly so we took him to the vets 3 days after him arriving. The vet said he had conjunctivitis and possibley a respiratory infection. We got eye drops to give him for 2 weeks...
  6. Spight

    Voldemort rises...

    So we got our first sphynx kitten around a month ago. He's called Voldemort, Mortie for short. He's around 4.5 months old and teething hardcore. He's a funny little fellow, he'll kinda play fetch and likes to carry his toys around the apartment in his mouth. He's also very bitey at the moment so...
  7. pussiette

    Teething question - sphynx cat

    Just wondering what symptoms your baby has experienced when they were teething? Were they feeling hot with an upset tummy and off their dry food and bleeding gums. Interested to hear what others have experienced with teething.
  8. A

    Teething kitten woes.

    My lovely little baby boy is teething. He is very bitey and is becoming worse at night time. My partner and I are exhausted because he wakes us up during the night biting our fingers/arms, I know this isn't his fault and understand this is what babies do. When he has been biting our hands we...