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Hoping to Adopt/Rescue in Houston, TX


Aug 26, 2023
Hi friends,

My fiancé and I are I interested in rescuing or adopting a sphynx, devon rex, or similar breed in or near the Houston, Texas area.

We recently lost our 7 year old sphynx Wells suddenly to HCM on August 15 after having him for 5 years. I feel empty without him and could not imagine not living with a sphynx again. Not to mention seeing my partner mourn the loss of his best friend—it’s been a sad change in our life.

Our home consists of myself (32) and my fiancé (33) and our two neutered male 6yr old cats, tabby Bear and Nebelung Pancake. When it is cooler, we walk the boys in their pram. They have access to automatic dry food feeders, wet food, and numerous water sources, including a large fountain. A closet is devoted to them for their litter of which they are familiar with pine and regular litter. I’m a sucker for buying them toys so they have plenty of things to keep them entertained.

While we both work during the day—my fiancé is a high school teacher/soccer coach, and I am a fine art museum professional—we love spending time at home with the bubbas. I would give anything to cuddle Wells while watching a movie again.

We would be delighted to answer any questions or share further information.

Nadia A

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@littlehalfbreed , hugs to your family.. I am so very sorry your sweet Wells got his angel wings. hold the precious of moments closest to heart. May love be what you remember most. I share in the hurt with sudden loss too from HCM.

all paws crossed the sphynx stars align for a heart healer . I truly believe they send us the one to love like they knew in this world.
be sure to read the fraud tips thread. was helpful when I was looking at ads outside sphynxlair. I adopted in my babies honor .