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litter box issues

  1. M

    Litter Box Issues

    I’m in need of some litter recommendations. I have two girls one is five months old and the other is a year and a half. I have 3 litter boxes one of which is a litter robot. I’m using worlds best in the litter robot and the other two boxes have pine pellets and the breeze box pellets. My...
  2. Lperrx

    Spynx Litter

    Hi all, I just got the Petsafe self cleaning litter tray! I’ve only just realised how much the refills cost per month so I’m going to buy the reusable tray . My question is apparently the petsafe Crystal litter is deadly to cats, so which litter preferably most cost wise would fix the petsafe tray?
  3. E

    Litter box issues

    Hello all! I recently got 2 female 8 week old Sphynx kittens! They are sisters. One of them took to the littler box like a pro. The other is randomly urinating on the floor and once on the couch. They were fixed about a week ago and the incisions sites are healing appropriately. I asked the...
  4. JessyJane

    Soooo much poop!

    Good morning everyone! So a little background before I get into the dirty stuff.. I have a 2 year old male [dobby] and a 13 week old female [laveau]. I am gone from 6am to 6pm Monday through Friday and I clean the kitty box before and after work and after they use the bathroom while I am home...
  5. kelsheyyx

    Litter Recommendations? Looking for something new to fit my needs

    I think I posted asking about litter suggestions ages ago, but I am looking to switch. It's suprisingly very difficult to find helpful articles about this, considering everyone's situation is different, so I'm hoping my fellow Sphynx mama's can help! Right now I use World's Best Cat Litter. I...
  6. themodifieddoll

    Pooping Problems [Among Others]

    So I've had my sphynx kitten around two months now, and up until recently there have been little to no issues with her But a few days ago, she actually pooped on my roommate while she was holding her, and while cleaning her litter box this morning, I found feces on the wall near her box - I'm...
  7. HappyLilSphynx

    Litter box issues/solutions

    Earlier today I learned of a sphynx in need of a home largely due to some litter box issues. I've said that I may be willing to try to work with him (he is going to be evaluated by a vet before I can make any decisions about moving forward!) Here's what I know ... He is estimated to be 7 years...
  8. sima

    peeing right next to litter box -_-

    Hi, I am a new member to sphynx community and I saw so many helpful information here. I am having an issue with my sphynx lady behavior. She uses her litter box regularly. But it has been a few days again she pees right next to her litter box! (gets on the sheets and the carpet around it) she...
  9. Bindiandpumpkin

    Litter box issues still! Please help

    So after having tried everything, moving the litter boxes, 8 different varieties if litter, a trip to the vets to rule out infection, I'm am still stuck as to why my girl sphynx (bindi) is still weeing everywhere. She has been spayed and although I thought that stopped the problem temporarily we...
  10. kelsheyyx

    more poop problems

    I think I mentioned this in my previous posts, but I'm going to bring it up again and see if you guys have any experience, insight, or advice for me on this. Ophelia has a tendency to step in her poop - a lot. Not all the time, but about once a week (at least) she poops and steps in it in the...