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  1. sharkcastic


    A couple days ago I bought Stitch into the animal HR for rapid, labored breathing. Thankfully, I get to bring him home in a few hours— they diagnosed him with CHD and HCM. They believe we’ve caught it rather early, but given that he did have fluid in his lungs it is still a major concern and...
  2. M

    My Young Cat has HCM, and I have anxiety.

    Hey guys! I'm new to the forum, so forgive me for any stupid questions in advance. So, I've been suffering from anxiety since I can remember. One of my biggest life wishes, was to have a cat. I got my baby when he was just 7 months, and I was about to turn 26. He's about 1,9y.o right now. It...
  3. emmabacaxo

    Sleep / breathing

    Hello, I have a baby girl named Aria . I’ve had her for 2 years now. She will be 3 in September next year. She’s very playful & has the best / sometimes sassy personality I love her to death!! She’s my best friend & she pretty much saved my life when I was at my lowest with depression. I love...
  4. Wren Blackford

    3 Year Old Neutered Blue/White, seeking new home due to human medical complications.

    Hello all, It is with immense heartbreak and devastation that I have joined these forums because I've been looking at finding a new home for my beloved Everest. He is my heart cat, I have always wanted a sphynx and we have been closer than any animal I've ever bonded with. But due to my own...
  5. bellomom

    Atenolol for HCM - yes or no?

    My sweet Bello was diagnosed yesterday with HCM. He's only two. I took him in for what I thought was an obstruction in his digestive tract and the vet found a murmur on examination and then an enlarged heart when they did an x-ray. His echocardiogram was yesterday and the cardiologist put him on...
  6. littlehalfbreed

    Mourning A Sphynx Is Challenging

    Hi Sphynx Lair Members, I’m Nadia and I’ve finally decided to create an account after lurking for years. I lost my sweet sphynx Wells suddenly to HCM on August 15 and I’ve felt so empty. Having had an abundance of cats throughout my life, including handling the challenges of rescuing sick...
  7. onyxandkristen

    Heart Murmur :(

    Hi there, i just finished my routine appointment for my 4 year old Sphynx Onyx. Wasnt the greatest of appointments. My vet told me she heard a murmur while doing his exam. Onyx was very unhappy and was the most stressed ive ever seen him. ( im hoping this is why she heard a murmur). I am going...
  8. Taylyria

    Devastating News

    Hi guys, its been a long time since I've posted. Life gets busy as you all know and things just get away from you. Monday, my precious boy Mortimer went to the vet with what I was hoping was a cold, however we left with devastating news and a fearful mama. Mortimer is suspected to have HCM...
  9. deegee

    HCM Clinics LA Area?

    Hi friends! I am new to Sphynxlair so I apologize if this thread was created in the wrong place! My oldest girl recently turned two and I wanted to take her in to get HCM scanned. She seems perfectly healthy and I adopted her from a reputable breeder who scans their cats but I know they can...
  10. dwong2704

    1.5 y/o just diagnosed with HCM

    Hi fellow hairless cat pawrents! It’s my first time posting here though I always lurk for advice. My 1.5 year old sweet bambino girl, Mewtwo, went in for her first routine ECHO yesterday to screen for HCM, and we didn’t receive the best news. Apparently there is mild thickening of the left...
  11. JV6

    In loving memory of Luna

    My sweet Luna passed away unexpectedly today. She had fluids in her lungs and could barely breathe. She was so healthy and HCM is to blame. I wish I could have been with her for her final moments - but the vet told me they were able to stabilize her. 1 hour later they told me to rush over. I...
  12. gollumthesphynx

    Thickening of Ventricle, first findings of HCM symptoms

    Hi everyone, I hope all of you have been well during this past year. Unfortunately, I received some bad news from the Vet today after Gollum's heart echo. The cardiologist has noticed a tiny thickening of the left ventricle, which I guess is the first tell-tale sign of the development of...
  13. Sanctuarie

    HCM/CHF omg again, do they ever not get it?

    Between my parents & I, we have had 5 Sphynx cats in the last 20 years, all from different places. My first was a sweet baby boy, Yodi. My dad called one day & asked if I wanted to go to the cat show with them. We went, were walking along, and come upon this guy who had a cat with no hair in...
  14. N

    Advanced HCM

    I found out today that my sweet baby Cosmo has advanced HCM. Words can’t describe how broken I am. He’s only 18 months old. I can’t stop thinking how his brother, Colin is going to take it. For anyone that’s lost one of their fur(less) babies, how did you cope while looking after their...
  15. AThirdCat

    The wonderful life and heartbreaking death of my Frankenstein HCM CHF info and records

    3 years ago is when my cat Frankenstein was diagnosed with HOCM (later progressed to HCM) and I began visiting this site looking for all the information I could. It was so helpful in my times of need these past 3 years that I made myself a promise that I would provide all the information I had...
  16. C

    HCM Clinics

    Hello, Hope all is well ❤️ Anyone in the Northeast area know of any HCM clinics available anytime soon? The clinic I usually attend was held in July and I missed it due to covid. For those who don’t know, these clinics screen for HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) by board certified veterinary...
  17. SDepalo

    HCM Diagnosis... now what?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and unfortunately posting because we need some advice or even just some good vibes sent our way! One of our cats has been diagnosed with HCM. We don't have much experience with this disease. The vet has prescribed plavix and basically told us there is...
  18. huxtablelee

    Blood work results

    Hello, I have a 7 year old Sphynx and the other day he was very lethargic and had vomited. I knew something was off so I brought him to the vets. According to his blood work, the vet said he may have Irritable Bowel Disease due to the high white blood cell count. I guess it's been high during...
  19. bittirsweet

    partial seizures - HCM or Neurological?

    Hey everyone, So I'm having a scary time with my eldest, Raz. Two days ago, he started having some kind of partial seizures which quickly escalated to being closer and closer together. We took him to the vet, who thought he'd ingested something, but his bloodwork and urinary tests came back...
  20. Eliz Eleven

    Coughing - hacking

    Hi everyone- so we have had a rough few months. We brought home Lola- she was sicker than the breeder let on- Eye Infection. URI, Giardia - but we got her healthy and thriving. On the other hand, poor Eleven has had to deal with all the similar issues. We had to put her on a strong triple...
  21. Gabby K

    Homemade vs. Commercial Raw food???

    Hi All! I am getting a new Sphynx kitten (Max) in 4 wks time and want to make sure I am set up with the food for Max from day 1. Unfortunately, my boy Ronnie (Sphynx , 6yrs old) passed away a couple months ago due to HCM. He was fed wet food - Applaws & dry kibble Royal Canin Sphynx... My vet...
  22. Lola Dineen

    Non-breeders: how often do you scan for HCM?

    I know there must be a million threads on this but I'm struggling to find them! Do you (non-breeders) scan regularly - ie, yearly, even when there are no symptoms? We scanned at 1.5 years (all clear for 2 brothers) and the cardiologist somewhat dissuaded us from doing it annually. He basically...
  23. Cydney

    scary HCM :'(

    Out of town and hearing my sweet baby had cold legs and couldn't walk. Rushed him to hospital and has been stabilized. Trying to hold it together as I make a 14 hour drive back home. In critical care but now learning he had a clot or possibly multiple one already in the heart. Please send love...
  24. admin

    HCM Awareness Bracelets

    I would like to share some great news with everyone and please, spread the word! Sphynxlair has decided to reintroduce the official Sphynx Cat HCM awareness bracelet! A portion of the sales will go directly to the "Gus fund" - studies of HCM which is sphynx specific, and studied by none only...
  25. Kris Patay

    Breeders in NY or East Coast that scan HCM

    Hi everyone, very new here! I'm writing today because I lost my baby to HCM and congestive heart failure last month. From the time symptoms began to show it was too late for medications to even give him a small chance. 10 frightening days passed until he went to sleep forever. He was only 9...