Welcome to Sphynxlair! Connect with Sphynx owners & enthusiasts around the world!


  1. shivvyxoxo

    Hi! My name is Shiv!!( Short for Siobhan)

    My sweet shivvy was born in october 2023, I got her in January. Since she has entered our life, she’s been the sweetest bundle of joy and helped me so much during the grieving process of losing my 16 year old maltese. im thankful they got to know each other for a short while before my angel baby...
  2. Yana and Osiris

    Turning 1 y.o.! Feeding advice.

    Hello pawfam! Osiris turned 1 year old last Wednesday, big boy, we went to our vet and she checked his weight, 5 KG!!! She told us to feed him now 2 times a day instead of 3, 20gr per meal. As he should be 4kg at his age. I'm a bit kittled, I'm not sure how to change the schedule and what time...
  3. gypsygirl88

    Hi! Questions

    hello this is my first post. I have a 5 year old girl and she has a small mass on her lower lip. I’ve taken her to the vet multiple times and nothing has really helped. I was wondering if anyone has any experience or has seen this. Thank you.
  4. Yana and Osiris

    Is neutering a sphynx really necessary ?

    Evening paw family! Given that Osi turned 7m not so long ago we have made an appointment for his "losing dignity" day. Our vet assessed his state as a very big and healthy boy as he can be. However I don't see him peeing in the corners marking places or being annoying, in principle I don't see...
  5. L

    Poorly cat advice - not eating

    Hello, My cat is around is 1 years old and have had him since a kitten. The past week he has been off his food, he is eating but not as much as normal. I noticed that he was sick a few days last week. He seems okay in himself, he is normally lazy so his behaviour has not changed. I’m worried...
  6. grace01

    Adopted Bambino Sphynx from a bad home

    Hello! I adopted a Bambino Flame Point Sphynx this week from a bad home. The lady posted him in a re-home group and I quickly swooped him up because I've been wanting a Sphynx cat for a while. I've done tons of research and had got approved for pet insurance and had a vet set up already. The...
  7. anrussek

    Advice if guest has allergies?

    Hello! My husband and I are looking to get a Sphynx cat. We currently have a yorkie mix pup who loves cats and we all have wanted one for a long time. Sphynx has been my dream cat since I was a young kid! One issue is that my husband’s brother and father are pretty allergic to cats in general...
  8. Migi0341

    Recommended Food

    Hey all! I was wondering what food you would recommend to feed my 4 month old spynx? He’s been pooping quite a bit and I noticed in his stool he had a bit of blood so I assumed it might be from the irritation of defication? Maybe I should change his diet?
  9. JadeSphynx

    Can I do good here?

    Hey! So I’m a hairless kitty momma of two. they are the absolute joys of my life. I have always been insanely allergic to cats and these little hairless babies allowed me to fulfill my dream of having a cat. My girl is spayed, but my boy is not as I have been letting the breeder continue to...
  10. GatosLocos

    Introducing Miklo

    Hello everyone! I’m a new sphynx mom, miklo is about 4 months old. HE IS A HAND FULL. I live with my grandma mother, father and my boyfriend. I have many questions! When do Sphynx kittens ever relax?! He will play non stop for about 30-45 mins until he is beat and naps for about 1-2 hours. Then...
  11. M

    desperate - problems after problems

    Hi all, Just to start off, my husband and I got our first sphynx kitten back in May. We spent prior months researching his breed and we were confident in owning one. So , we got our kitten online from a breeder in our town. He was not a credible breeder and to be honest, we got our pet at a...
  12. L

    Skin mark

    my kitten is 13 weeks old, he went to the vets yesterday to have his first injection and microchip. They manage to give him his first injection however was unsuccessful on the microchip due to his size. They said they could see no health issues. Today He has this mark on his side, he doesn’t...
  13. Dutchess

    Desperate for some sleep - advice about a deaf sphynx needed.

    I, and the rest of my family living in this house are desperate for some advice. A couple of months ago we decided that we had enough space and time in both our home and heart for a third naked baby, but this time, we wanted to rescue one rather than go to a breeder to get a kitten. A few weeks...
  14. L

    New to this

    I decided to join as I need some advice and support on something my beautiful boy Yoda is going through right now. Yoda was 1 year old on Monday last week and he’s suffered so much in his short little life I will post details later on this evening hope to get to speak to some owners that...
  15. O

    Brushing teeth, bathing and SPF. Advice and recommendations, please!

    Hi, I would like some advice and recommendations on brushing teeth, bathing and SPF. I have been using the toothpaste Beapar: for around over a year. At first he didn't let me brush his teeth so I had to put the toothpaste on my finger and rub it on to which then he'd lick it straight off so I...
  16. O

    Natural detoxification.

    Hi, I have been reading articles about detoxification for animals and cats and would like some advice on it, please. What would you recommend for a natural detoxification? How would you give your animal green tea for detoxification? Do you put one green tea bag in their drinking bowl and then...
  17. byulbunny

    New baby girl (and some questions!)

    Hey everybody! Brand new to this place - and here's one of a few photos to follow of our new baby, Noodle! She's coming up to her 6 months mark and she's an absolute doll - cuddly and affectionate, yet an absolute little monster when she wants to be. I adore her to bits. She's a baby to three...
  18. colton

    Advice for two Sphynx!

    Hello! I posted that I took home Elio a little bit ago and after seeing him and his sister together I really wanted to take her too. Unfortunately at the time she had been reserved and I wasn't able to get her. Fast forward 3 weeks later, of me thinking about her every day, the person who was...
  19. beccerzz11

    Just got a kitty!!

    Hi there!!! I am Becca and I'm brand new -- just put a payment on a kitten today! I'm planning on registering him as emotional support and I am really REALLY excited. I've wanted a sphynx for years. He's coming in January when I have the month off to settle him in. :) I wanted to ask advice...
  20. Monica

    Sphynx Name Meanings

    Hola Lairians!! :cat::cat::cat: Having been around the Lair for a few months now, I’ve noticed there are so many unique and creative sphynx names!! Some are cute, some are funny. Some are historical, others from pop culture. With so many members from all over the world, I though it would be...
  21. Axhlxxgh

    New sphynx mumma ❤️

    Hey ladies and gents! I'm finally picking up my new son Thursday and I'm so excited has anyone got any advice for me? Also I need help choosing a name! Can't wait to get my little fuzzy tail ❤️
  22. kirasmom

    Eye infection? Need advice!

    What used to be the occasional eye booger seems to have increased for our girl recently. I am now cleaning out discharge from her eyes at least twice a day... and initially I thought maybe just allergies were getting to her, but the discharge has gotten less "black" as it dries (which I think is...
  23. Monica

    New Kitten Help!

    Hola all! So I’m less than one month away from gotcha day. Like many of us, im over the moon with excitement to bring home my first sphynx! I’m stocked up on all kitty things, with little orders of goodies coming in anyway now. However, I feel slightly anxious in anticipation of the whole...
  24. J

    Is my house too cold to adopt a sphynx?

    Hello there! I am new to the forums and hopefully soon to be a new sphynx cat owner. Ny boy friend and I have been researching the breed and even visiting cats for a while now and feel ready to adopt. My only concern is that the house we are renting is rather poorly insulated. Winter has hit...
  25. Sammicarkeys

    I am constantly so worried about my cat and his health!

    I brought home my sweet boy a month ago. He is now 4 months old and weighs about 5 lbs. He didn't act out of the ordinary..but his poop smelled god awful. Well, it turns out that he had Giardiasis and Coccidiosis. Treated both and after his last dose he started having diarrhea with blood. Weird...